Only 2 Months Left!

It seems crazy, but we booked airline tickets last week to come home from Ethiopia in June.  Our year here has gone so fast.  I can’t believe we have less than 2 months left.  I’m still amazed at how our whole family has embraced and enjoyed our time in Ethiopia.  We are excited about coming home, but we have a lot of plans to accomplish and projects to finish before we leave.

The last month has been so busy for us!  Last week I spoke at a local mission retreat, then I traveled to Awassa to teach at a new Bible College started by my friend Girma.  I also spoke to new church leaders, and spoke at one of the largest churches in Awassa – Tabor Kale Heywet Church (about 1500 in attendance, and they baptized 74 people on Sunday).  This coming Sunday I start a 5 week series speaking at IEC (our church in Addis).

It has been a while since our last post, so here is what has happened over the last month:

Three weeks ago, our family went with another family (the Bernards) to Awassa for a much needed 3 day vacation.  It was very nice! The kids have all had special events at their school, Bingham Academy. Greta was the leading role of Ponya the mouse in a play at school – it was so great!  Wilson presented a project at the middle school expo and played in the band for a special musical production at school recently, and Eli just finished his science fair project on different elements that effect speed when you are running.  Susan is still tutoring and teaching piano, and staying busy!

Most Saturdays we are still going to Kolfe Orphanage to help with a life skills training for the older boys, and we teach English and play games with the younger boys.  We have moved the program to a sports facility near the orphanage.  Two weeks ago, for Easter, we showed the Jesus Film for kids in Amharic – we had over 50 boys and many of them prayed to follow Christ.  Three weeks ago, the orphanage staff organized a recognition celebration to recognize the top 80 boys for good grades in school.  They invited local community and government officials to be a part of the program.  We were able to contribute some money for gifts, and each boy got a reward of more than 350 birr (about $20 – which is a big gift in Ethiopia!) We’re also excited about a new Sports Friends leader who is coming to Kolfe 3 times a week to coach 2 football teams with the boys.

The feeding program at Repi School is now feeding over 50 kids 3 days a week.  There is a huge need to increase the number of kids and feed them everyday, but we simply need more funding.  Each day the food is cooked and packed at the girls home (Bethel House).  The girl’s home is going great.  We now have 6 girls and two moms!  The newest mom is Genet and her daughter Sifene.  We were able to buy some sofas for the girls home, so now they have a place to sit and relax.  We are praying about finding a car for the feeding program and girls home – this is a big need but cars are so expensive here.  We are also praying about finding another house to rent so we can start a boys home.  Both of these are HUGE prayer requests, so please pray with us.


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6 Responses to Only 2 Months Left!

  1. Kay Oswald says:

    Didn’t know about ANY of this. So glad to read the blog post. You guys are as busy there as you were in Charlotte. Glad to hear about the girls’ home & about Genet coming to live there & glad to hear of the possibility of a boys’ home. Also, sounds like good things happening at the orphanage. You all have really worked hard & accomplished a lot in a year’s time. Tell the children that we are so proud of their accomplishments too. Would love to have seen Wilson present his project at the middle school & have heard him play in the production. Eli’s science project sounds impressive…know he worked hard & had fun doing it. Didn’t realize that Greta had the leading role in the play. Would have loved to have seen that, too. Thanks for posting all the pictures. Sure hope you’re all feeling better. Much love & prayers.

  2. Jeannie Wilson says:

    The time has flown by, but feel as if I’ve been there, too, thanks to your wonderful info. Have enjoyed the pictures, too. You have all impacted so many lives and planted so many seeds. How encouraging to see what God can do with willing hearts & hands. You’re in our prayers. Love to all.

  3. JoLynn Coleman says:

    Oh, so many of us will be so sad for the Kolfe boys when you leave!! You have made a huge difference in their lives and have helped us to connect more with them. Enjoy your last two months. Thank you for all you’ve done for the Kingdom and for my sons in Ethiopia!

  4. Mary Lee says:

    Susan – so excited to read tonight about your Saturdays at Kolfe. I’ve been praying for weeks for someone to be connecting with the boys regularly, and sharing the gospel – and then I see that God has answered my prayer before it was prayed. How very like Him!! I was laughing and crying out loud as I read your posts! Would you please consider finding time to email me so that I could ask you a couple questions??
    Another Kolfe Mom

  5. ann wayne says:

    Will & Susan.
    It’s so good to hear from you. Can’t wait to see you when you come home in June. May you have safe travel back home.

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